Successful Culture Creation – More Than One Approach [Part 2]

Successful Culture Creation – More Than One Approach [Part 2]

In Part One: Intro to Workplace Culture – It Makes A Difference, I touched only briefly on a few of the things that set eyeglasses designer and distributors, Warby Parker, ahead of their competition in the great company culture race that has caught momentum since Amazon came under a bit of fire for their guerilla-style management policies.

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Introduction to Workplace Culture – It Makes A Difference [Part 1]

Introduction to Workplace Culture

While the conversation surrounding workplace culture seems relatively new, it has been an important aspect of the workplace for as long as people have been working. It is the combination of the beliefs, traditions, values, assumptions, and behaviors of everyone who works within a given space. Think of it as the company’s vibe or personality, the attributes that make it attractive or repulsive (depending on the individual).

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4 Qualities of a “Unicorn Hire” and How to Attract This Kind of Employee

Unicorn Hire


The Starbucks Unicorn Frappe has been making some pretty big waves on social media. This sweet-n-sour, pink and blue, swirly sprinkle-topped concoction is drawing in customers with its distinct look, unique flavor combinations, and homage to everyone’s favorite mythical creature, the unicorn. While the lines stay long for this fantastical beverage, recruiters are also on the hunt for a different kind of unicorn: The Unicorn Hire.

The Unicorn Hire, much like the frappe of the same name, has distinct, unique qualities that set them apart from the crowd:

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How to Determine If You’re a Good Fit for the Job

How to Determine If You’re a Good Fit for the Job

There are plenty of job sites out there, offering standard resume-to-opening or dropdown menu matching based on job experience, availability, and other standard qualifiers. At ThisWay, we know there’s more than what meets the eye when it comes to finding the perfect career match, such as inclusiveness, flexibility, or benefits. Give yourself a bit of relief with these tips, our first installment in a series of posts about the toolkit you need to ensure you aren’t unintentionally pursuing a short-term job, by forgetting key elements to landing a long-term career.

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